A new favorite breakfast, one year later

January 1, blog post 1. This time last year, we were still having omelets for breakfast and instructing a general attitude of weariness (and occasional kerfuffle) toward vegans. How things have changed in the last 365! More on that some other occasion, but now is the time for useful information.

We are starting our 1st waking hour of the new year with a tofu scramble. Thus, for our 1st post, it only seems natural to share our favorite scramble recipe. There are tons of options out there, but our favorite comes from  The Minimalist Baker. Her recipe:  http://minimalistbaker.com/southwest-tofu-scramble/

It’s cheap, it’s bumble-proof, it’s quick, so with 20 grams of protein (!!) in a sitting, it’s a no-brainer way to start the day. If you like egg scrambles, you will love this. The Minimalist Baker’s recipe is amazing, but the other great thing about this is its flexibility. As new and bumbling vegans, keeping things novel is important, so we try variations on this when it strikes our fancy. Successful versions have included:

  • add some extra spices we love (like cajun spices and cayenne)
  • mix and mingle different veggies (e.g., spinach instead of kale, HOW SCANDALOUS)
  • use extra firm tofu instead of firm
  • since we often live our food lives inside a tortilla, we also made this bad boy scramble into a burrito with generous heaps of avocado and a little salsa to spice things up.

Hot tip: listen to the author’s step 1 and drain/ press that tofu! Do not be a hero, a rebel, or stingy with your time here, unless you like weirdo textures in your scramble. (Hot tip 2: you don’t like weirdo textures.) Now that we have you committed to step 1, our personal preference is to drain/ press the tofu a little longer than the recipe calls for (20 minutes at least, longer if you want a firmer consistency… we’ve gone as long as an hour).

Enjoy! Happy New Year!

Drained and pressed tofu next to sauteeing veggies with spices sprinkled on top. You should mix all this up- but it looked pretty mid process for the picture:)
VOILA! A delicious, healthy, protein monster (but a nice monster that’s cruelty-free).