This week in plants! Jan. 15

I’m constantly amazed by all of the vegnews that passes by on a daily basis. So, let me distill some-a that (hyperlinks). This week:

  1. NY Times covers Tesla‘s vegan interiors and highlights more, shall we say, accessible brands that are already giving vegans a choice. “In the case of Tesla, whose brand represents a kind of sustainable luxe, many vegans have complained that it makes no sense for an eco-friendly car to include animal products, given the significant amount of greenhouse gases the industrial agriculture sector emits. Even Nikola Tesla, the inventor for whom the car is named, they point out, was a vegetarian.”
  2. Outside Magazine (a non-vegan publication) compares the environmental impact of various diets. Guess which ones fares well. (Hint: they call Paleo “stupid”)
  3. Center for Food Safety, Animal Legal Defense Fund, Food & Water Watch, Farm Sanctuary, and others, file a suit over Ag Gag in North Carolina. Finally. Ag Gag is the most reprehensible concept I can imagine. (This is the problem with Ag Gag laws.) Go get ’em!
  4. Anderson Cooper buys kevlar vests for K-9 cops in VA, where a police dog died in the line of conscripted duty earlier this week
  5. Esther The Wonder Pig‘s dads go on a much-deserved vacation to the Caribbean and show us video of them with the adorable swimming Exuma pigs
  6. Gwyneth Paltrow launches a reasonably-affordable vegan makeup line